post 2

whole lotta panic, not enough disco...

so, my friend's getting married next year. naturally, they invited me to the afterparty and i instinctively said yes. issue is, i'm actually dreading it purely because i don't do good in social situations. the idea of being surrounded by my friends other friends and family, plus their spouses friends and family, none of which i know is a little scary. they told me i'd be getting an invite if they had space for me and part of me really wants the venue to end up fully booked so i don't have to go but a small part of me wants to go, both to see my friend and finally meet thier spouse. i'm pretty conflicted about it. hopefully i end up getting my license before then just so it'll take a little bit of the anxiety off since part of it is due to not really knowing how i'll get there. public transport here is kinda crappy and i'm broke so it limits my options quite a bit.